Christine Lee
Roles available for:
Los Angeles, California, United States
Christine Lee
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Roles available for:
Los Angeles, California, United States
Strengths in this role: - Collaborative problem solving (Cross-functional intake & unified strategy) - Content & product leadership - Multi-level communication & meetings - Tactical project execution - Executive presentations - Remote/hybrid team coaching
Industry Group: Media
Industry: Online Media
Years of experience: 23 years
Company name: Centerfield Media
Company size: 200 employees
Role in this company: Launched content, product and design team from ground up for Centerfield’s portfolio of 13 brand websites in 6 verticals, generating $40MM and reaching 175MM organic visitors annually.
Strengths in this role: - Client & talent management - Creative briefs - Cross-channel strategy - Conflict management - Lead creative brainstorming - Conducting interviews
Industry Group: Media
Industry: Entertainment
Years of experience: 4 years
Company name: Sony Entertainment
Company size: 18,000 employees
Role in this company: Led cross-channel new audience strategy for JEOPARDY!, driving digital engagement and contestant recruitment for Emmy and Peabody winning game show. (Note: Employed by Agency of Record: TVGla)
Strengths in this role: - Cross-company team management - Content product strategy - Brand guidelines - Project management
Industry Group: Consumer Goods
Industry: Retail
Years of experience: 7 years
Company name: Target
Company size: 400,000 employees
Role in this company: Content product lead for Target's subsidiary kitchen brands; Rebranded new recipe product for grocery group, drove traffic to support ad business on brand.