terry L followell
Roles available for:
Waukee, Iowa, United States
terry L followell
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Roles available for:
Waukee, Iowa, United States
Strengths in this role: Relentless energy, a sense of humor, an open and curious mind, coach and mentor
Industry Group: Finance
Industry: Financial Services
Years of experience: 5 years
Industry Group: Health
Industry: Hospital & Health Care
Years of experience: 2 years
Industry Group: Education
Industry: Higher Education
Years of experience: 3 years
Industry Group: Manufacturing
Industry: Machinery
Years of experience: 3 years
Company name: Brokers International
Company size: 130 employees
Role in this company: Managed a team of creatives in brand development and advertising efforts for our digitally-driven business to consumer brand, provided marketing team and organizational support and managed the company facing business to business brand.
Company name: Two Rivers Marketing
Company size: 115 employees
Role in this company: Lead a team of creatives in the development of a wide variety of advertising and marketing materials from social, print and web, for a roster of clients. Work closely with strategy, account and media teams to develop yearly plans. Prepare and pitch new business.