Ziad Hitti
Roles available for:
- Contract
- Interim
Livermore, California, United States
Ziad Hitti
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Roles available for:
- Contract
- Interim
Livermore, California, United States
Strengths in this role: Leadership, Strategic Planning, Communication, Risk Management, Business Process Engineering, Financial Statement Analysis, Team Building, Problem Resolution, Coaching, Presentation, Auditing, etc
Industry Group: High Tech
Industry: Internet
Years of experience: 5 years
Industry Group: Manufacturing
Industry: Mining & Metals
Years of experience: 5 years
Industry Group: Construction
Industry: Building Materials
Years of experience: 5 years
Industry Group: Manufacturing
Industry: Oil & Energy
Years of experience: 5 years
Company name: Centrica (Direct Energy)
Company size: 10,000 employees
Role in this company: Director of Internal Audit
Company name: Shutterfly
Company size: 5,000 employees
Role in this company: Senior Director of Internal Audit and Enterprise Risk Management
Company name: Simpson Strong Tie
Company size: 10,000 employees
Role in this company: Vice President of Internal Audit and Enterprise Risk Management