Kelly Ryan Bailey
Roles available for:
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, United States
Kelly Ryan Bailey
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Roles available for:
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, United States
Fractional role
Strengths in this role: Creative & Intuitive Problem Solving • Persuasive Business Case Building • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Advertising & Marketing • Data Analysis • Media & Entertainment Expertise • Leadership Development Innovative Technology Launches • Staff Motivation & Empowerment • High-Performance Team Building
Industry Group: Media
Industry: Online Media
Years of experience: 20 years
Industry Group: High Tech
Industry: Information Technology and Services
Years of experience: 20 years
Industry Group: Education
Industry: Higher Education
Years of experience: 8 years
Company name: Bast AI
Company size: 10 employees
Role in this company: Report daily progress to the CEO and identify AI trends and opportunities for competitive market advantages and fundraising. Craft external audience brand messages and author speaking scripts for the CEO. Collaborate with executives and investors to evolve the brand and represent mission and vision via website transformations.
Company name: Columbia University School of Professional Studies
Company size: 1,000 employees
Role in this company: Reported to the interim Dean of Columbia School of Professional Studies and collaborated with 30 leading stakeholders in a significant school restructuring initiative.
Company name: Lightcast
Company size: 500 employees
Role in this company: Reported weekly operational status to the CEO and collaborated with the executive board in leading business transformation strategies aimed at organizational acquisition preparation. Provided cross-functional executive support to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts post-acquisition during the merger execution of Emsi and Burning Glass Technologies, including crafting internal and external communications and representing the company through speaking engagements and industry event participation.
Company name: AdeptID
Company size: 25 employees
Role in this company: Mentored 15 high-performing staff and reported to the CEO. Designed and launched comprehensive growth, research, and development strategies, fostered potential partnerships via travel to industry events and corporations, and steered DEI and culture initiatives.
Company name: World in 2050
Company size: 10 employees
Role in this company: Report to and conduct weekly calls with the CEO and guide staff in designing revenue diversification, technology, and product strategies. Communicate with potential partners, drive technology research, and collaborate with internal teams and technologists. Emcee multiple premier events as an organizational representative.