Michael R Perman
Roles available for:
Portland, Oregon, United States
Michael R Perman
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Roles available for:
Portland, Oregon, United States
Fractional role
- This is a Fractional role Head of Innovation
- Senior Director of Global Marketing and Consumer Insights
Strengths in this role: Innovation strategy, consumer insights, organizational effectiveness.
Industry Group: Consumer Goods
Industry: Consumer Goods
Years of experience: 25 years
Company name: C'EST WHAT? LLC
Company size: 10 employees
Role in this company: Led innovation and future trend initiatives for Adidas, Hyatt. Hershey's, REI, Pottery Barn, Stoller Winery, American Signature Furniture, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
Company name: Gap, Inc
Company size: 15,000 employees
Role in this company: I led all innovation projects across brands and functions. Built a team of 30 Innovation Catalysts and trained hundreds of people. Led initiatives to create new products, new retail store experiences, sustainability plans, and organizational effectiveness. Facilitated team workshops for Leadership Teams and Board of Directors
Strengths in this role: Consumer insights, trend forecasting, brand strategy
Industry: Consumer Goods
Years of experience: 15 years
Company name: Levi Strauss & Company
Company size: 15,000 employees
Role in this company: Led consumer insights and future trends across brands, informing decisions on products, retail stores, brand strategy, advertising, marketing, and consumer activation. Led a team of 20 people including consumer relations.