Pete Sciabarra
Roles available for:
San Diego, California, United States
Pete Sciabarra
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Roles available for:
San Diego, California, United States
Fractional role
- This is a Fractional role VP of National Operations
- This is a Fractional role VP of National Operations
Strengths in this role: Achieved #1 ranking in the country within eight months after inheriting lowest ranked of 11 regions. Increased yearly revenue by $1.2M by integrating individually crafted performance improvement plans
Industry Group: Corporate
Industry: Professional Training & Coaching
Years of experience: 11 years
Industry Group: Corporate
Industry: Management Consulting
Years of experience: 11 years
Company name: Vistage Worldwide
Company size: 300 employees
Role in this company: Regional Executive, Southwest Region (2016-2019) Selected to oversee $25M P&L responsibility and all operations for 55 Chairs and 1200+ CEO/COO members.
Strengths in this role: Oversaw daily operations of $200M+ commercial enterprise with pool of 550+ trained executive facilitators. Managed all programs, procedures and policies including standardization, exceptions to policy decisions and the most challenging personnel issues involving Independent Contractor Chairs and CEOs.
Industry Group: Corporate
Industry: Management Consulting
Years of experience: 11 years
Company name: Vistage Worldwide
Company size: 300 employees
Role in this company: Executed the daily operations of the world’s leading CEO membership peer advisory organization serving 23,000 CEOs and business owners and executives worldwide.