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Samuel Lin
Roles available for:
- Fractional
- Consulting
- Contract
- Interim
- Alexandria, Virginia, United States
- Assets
Domestic and global healthcare ventures in health care management and administration, biomedical research, biomedical technology and transfer, business strategy and planning, Pharmaceutical and device approvals, health information technology and meaningful use, health facility financing and construction, health systems-medical home and accountable care organizations, Alternative and complementary medicine and applied technologies in homeland security. -
Interim Corporate Administrator as CEO or COO, Interim Program Lobbyist, Interim Program Director
Employees overseen
1,500 employees
Budget overseen
$ 1,000,000,000
Samuel Lin
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Roles available for:
- Fractional
- Consulting
- Contract
- Interim
- Alexandria, Virginia, United States
- Assets
Why hire me in a fractional role
Fractional role
- Assistant Surgeon General and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health
- Executive Director for Federal Medical Affairs
- This is a Fractional role Senior Advisor and Medical Affairs Consultant
Strengths in this role: Strategic planning, creative problem solving, management by delegation, broad representation and liaison, extensive programmatic substance, quick study for interim Director assignments, well-liked as administrator and manager.
Industry Group: Government
Industry: Government Administration
Years of experience: 22 years
Company name: US Dept of Health and Human Services
Company size: 53,000 employees
Role in this company: As a career Deputy to the Assistant Secretary for Health, I oversaw diverse program activities, relevant to the government's commitment to the general health/well-being of its citizens through e.g., biomedical/health services research, approvals of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, prevention/tracking of infectious diseases, direct health care for underserved populations and prevention/treatment of mental health and substance abuse and interface with entities in the private healthcare sector.
Strengths in this role: Substantive knowledge of pharmaceutical industry trade, process and products, credible liaison to regulatory and consumer entities, trusted advisor in Company C-suite, easy-going nature and street savvy.
Industry Group: Corporate
Industry: Marketing and Advertising
Years of experience: 7 years
Company name: Pharmacia and Upjohn Company
Company size: 35,000 employees
Role in this company: I served as Senior Representative and Liaison for the Company with select Governmental Offices in the Executive and Legislative Branches and with select Professional Associations.
Strengths in this role: Trusted representative to both employer and clients, substantive knowledge base of health care issues and healthcare organizational operations, credible expertise and street savvy on a board base of health and organizational topics.
Industry Group: Health
Industry: Hospital & Health Care
Years of experience: 18 years
Company name: American Medical Group Association
Company size: 80 employees
Role in this company: I served as a fractional Senior Advisor to the CEO of a 50-year old trade association and carried out both programmatic responsibilities and liaison activities as directed by the CEO. Programmatic activities included subordinate staff direction and oversight. Liaison activities included representation to Federal Agencies and major American healthcare organizations such as the AMA, ACP, AAFP, AEI, NAS, ASTHO, APHA, NACCHO.
Board membership
Company: MOAA
Position: Director and Vice Chair
From: 10/08/1996
To: 10/08/2002
Company: Rock-Asia Capital Group, Ltd.
Position: Director and Vice-Chair
From: 04/01/2000
To: 04/01/2005
Company: Omega Systems Group, Inc.
Position: Principal and Managing Director
From: 09/01/2000
To: 09/01/2010
Degrees & accreditations
Membership & affiliations
Success story
I was directed to remove a career senior official from his office because the CEO had lost confidence in this person. I researched out options that would harm neither the corporation nor the individual and successfully got the person to resign without any blow-back to the corporation. This both tested and successfully demonstrated my organizational, process and people skills.