What Does Fishing Have to Do With Business Success Post-COVID-19?

By Chuck Lee, Co-founder of GigX
Are you fishing or catching?
Ask any number of fishermen what the secret is to catching fish, and you will receive a diverse range of answers. They probably start with, “Well, it depends…”
That’s because being successful in bringing in fish requires having a constant eye out for change. A return trip out to a favorite spot that once produced a record catch is no guarantee of recurring success. In nature, nothing remains constant. Currents, temperature, tides and seasons are just some of the variables a fisherman must contend with in order to succeed. That’s not even taking into consideration skill, equipment, patience and tenacity -- factors that can quickly separate out success from failure.
In fishing as in business, there are signs and lessons to be learned along the way. It’s through practice, trial and error that we gain wisdom and apply that knowledge to the changes around us. That wisdom, when acted upon at the right time, can make the difference between fishing and catching.
Reading the conditions
We know work has, is and will continue to evolve. Well before COVID-19, the gig economy was transforming the workplace. Up and down the workforce, more and more workers are transitioning from full-time employment with a singular company to engage as independents with multiple gigs. Data tells us this trend towards independent work is growing and is here to stay.
If there was doubt as to whether remote work, independent work and utilization of technology to engage teams and conduct meetings was simply a passing fad, that is now no longer the case. It can be argued if nothing else, novel coronavirus has accelerated the practice of independent work. From social-distancing limitation on gatherings, to the growing reduction of full-time employees in the workforce, businesses must actively reassess how to reengage in this rapidly changing landscape in order to succeed.
Not every fishing boat, nor every fisherman that sets out will come back with fish. There is no guarantee, yet some are better at consistently locating and catching fish. When setting out, smart leaders engage a seasoned crew with the skill and experience to haul in the quota, who can read the conditions and adjust as needed. Otherwise the fishermen may spend too much time fishing and not enough time catching. As businesses adapt to new circumstances, skilled, affordable talent and proven executive leadership will be a necessary requirement for sustainable success.
The whole pie
To switch analogies for a moment, getting the “whole pie” but only paying for a “slice” is one of the changes that benefit businesses who are asked to do more with less. As companies move through this period of economic upheaval, they will require the breadth and depth of experience, or the “whole pie” of skill sets from independent leaders. That’s where paying for a “slice” of a fractional executive’s time becomes part of the wisdom of reading and adapting to change. With fractional executives, companies gain top talent that would be out of reach in a full-time capacity while efficiently using their time where it matters the most.
At GigX, we are here to assist independent leaders as they leverage their know-how to help companies weather the storm and rebuild stronger than ever. We remain optimistic that together, we have what it takes to catch fish.
Ready to hire the necessary talent with “whole pie” experience, but only pay for a “slice” to help your company move forward? Then search and find your winning team and hire a veteran fractional leader. Search the GigX Network (it’s free!). Find fractional CxOs and directors who want to leverage their professional experiences and skills to help your company going forward.
Ready to join a business that is in need of your specific “fish catching” skill set and lead a team as a fractional leader? This is the time to prepare and list your profile so you can be found by companies that will benefit from your expertise. Join GigX and create a Network profile.
Already a GigX member? Thanks for being a part of the solution and engaging in the gig economy. We’d love to hear your story about how you’re redefining success as a fractional executive in these changing times. Please email us your story.