Why It’s Important to Build Your Personal Brand

Why It’s Important to Build Your Personal Brand

By Chuck Lee, Co-founder of the GigX Fractional CxO Network

I attended a business conference in the mid-'90s where Roberto Goizueta, the Chairman and CEO of the Coca-Cola Company, was the keynote speaker. At that time, Goizueta was a rock star, transforming the company into one of the most celebrated global brands with unprecedented shareholder value.

Approaching the podium, Goizueta reached into his pocket. The video zoomed in as he held out his business card, and its image filled the two huge screens behind him

He explained that this card could unlock doors that were closed to most people. However, he humbly reminded himself that it wasn't just his name and title on the card that opened doors; it was the brand of Coca-Cola. This brand's reputation was built with the hard work of thousands of loyal stakeholders. That was a powerful visual lesson that has stayed with me all these years.

Why It’s Important to Build Your Personal Brand


The growing importance of intangible assets 

In an article in The Marketing Journal, Jonathan Knowles examines the valuation of tangible versus intangible assets within the top S&P 500 companies over the past several decades. In 1990, the three largest sectors were Industrials, Consumer Discretionary, and Energy – companies that relied heavily on physical assets. Over 25 years later, the three largest sectors are currently Technology, Financials, and Healthcare, showing a strong shift to intangibles. Knowles reports that of the largest 2,000 publicly traded U.S. companies, only 26% deal in physical assets.

While it may be easier to measure tangible assets like machinery, real estate, and cash, compared to intangibles such as trademarks, brands, and public perception, business leaders must manage both. In the Harvard Business Review article "Four Ways to Create Intangible Value," author Norm Smallwood mentions that intangible value is based on the market’s perception of whether a company will keep its promises.

This aligns with the point Goizueta made about public perception and trust in the brand of Coca-Cola. As a fractional business leader, it’s crucial to foster deep trust with clients in your ability to develop strategic initiatives and speed the growth.


Your brand is your greatest asset

Savvy executives recognize the importance of corporate brands. Strong brands build confidence in the marketplace and carry goodwill into future initiatives. They create opportunities

Your personal brand: 

  • represents your reputation in the marketplace, informing others in advance of what to expect from you
  • demonstrates the quality and level of expertise you offer
  • develops over time and can foster ongoing loyalty

Why It’s Important to Build Your Personal Brand


Brand-building for fractional CxOs

If you’re an executive, brand-building isn’t an unfamiliar concept. However, the idea and importance of investing in a personal brand might be new to you. All the principles of building a corporate brand still apply, but now you must use them to market yourself and your fractional portfolio career

Here are two ways to begin building your personal brand:

  1. Deliver outstanding results and keep your promises. When a client is pleased with your work (which they will be if you’re keeping your promises), request a testimonial or review. External opinions add significant credibility to your brand.
  2. Clearly articulate your vision and value. For GigX members, this involves crafting a strong vision statement for the “Why Hire Me in a Fractional Role” section of your GigX Network profile. If you have a separate business

Brands are inherently tied to reputation and perception. Every time an existing or potential client interacts with you, your work, or your online presence, you're shaping an impression. When these impressions consistently and authentically reflect your value, you’re fulfilling your personal brand promise

Click here to read more about Chuck Lee’s insight on the latest trends in the gig economy.  


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